Student Life
Our student organizations embody the energy, focus, and innovation of our majors. Get involved to engage your passions, develop leadership skills, serve the community, and network with practitioners in the field.
Student Organizations
Athletic Training Club
The Athletic Training club promotes knowledge in sports medicine.
Members of this club:
- Serve as a communication link between students and faculty
- Participate in social, educational, and community service activities
- Raise funds to benefit the club and members
Club Sponsor: Dr. Chelsea Boyer
Exercise Science Club
This campus-based organization promotes social and professional opportunities for Exercise Science majors.
Members of this club:
- Plan and participate in an annual two-day trip to Chicago to tour potential internship sites
- Organize the annual Walk for L.I.F.E., an event that promotes fitness and healthy lifestyles
- Host speakers and CPR training sessions
- Raise funds to benefit the club and members
Club Sponsors: Dr. Pete Smith and Dr. Kristen Lagally
Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) Club
PETE Club introduces Physical Education Teacher Education majors to new opportunities and activities that might not be taught in the classroom.
Members of this club:
- Participate in mock student teaching interviews
- Get first-hand knowledge from panel discussions with area school administrators
- Take part in social activities with peers and faculty
Club Sponsor: Mrs. Anne McGee
Parks and Recreation Society - PARS
This professional student organization is open to all students. Activities are geared towards those interested in the field of recreation and park administration.
Members of this club:
- Develop professional skills through state and national conferences, volunteering, and networking
- Host speakers
- Actively participate in the community with humanitarian projects such as Habitat for Humanity and Bloomington's Harvest Bloom Festival.
Club Sponsor: Ms. Lindsey Nicholson
Rho Phi Lambda Honor Society
The Rho Phi Lambda Honor Society is a national organization made up of students and honorary professionals. It recognizes excellence in academics, co-curricular and volunteer activities, and major contributions to the field.
Become a Member
To join Rho Phi Lambda, applicants need to meet the following qualifications:
- Show evidence of academic excellence in scholarship, leadership and service to the campus or community
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.2 or be in the upper 15% of their class (whichever is higher)
- Earned a B or higher in KNR 170, 171, 270, and 271
Eligible students will be notified about the application process and, if selected, the induction procedures. The induction ceremony typically occurs at the end of fall semester.
Rho Phi Lambda Advisor: Ms. Sherri Hildebrand