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Dr. Yun Chang

Associate Professor
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation
SFCM Student Fitness Center & Mccormick Hall
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Yun Chang completed her Ph.D. in Leisure Behavior in 2017 from Indiana University. Her research interests lie in the underlying mechanisms between program elements and positive youth developmental outcomes within the context of outdoor adventure education. She has also conducted several pioneering studies and workshops in the use and application of biomarkers in outdoor recreation and outdoor adventure education research. Yun is also a certified instructor for Colorado Outward Bound School and National Outdoor Leadership School. In addition to academic research, she has been actively engaging in the outdoor trainings and leadership opportunities provided by prestige outdoor educator institutions in the US as well as in Taiwan. Her leadership experiences in both East Asia and US-based context have enriched her teaching experiences as well as built up her capacity of working with diverse groups.

Current Courses

298.001Internship I in Recreation & Sport Management

498.051Professional Practice Parks And Recreation

176.001Computer Applications in Recreation

176.002Computer Applications in Recreation

376.001Evaluation in Recreation & Sport Management

499.051Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

400.051Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation

498.051Professional Practice Parks And Recreation

473.001Trends And Issues In Leisure Service

Ph D Leisure Behavior

Indiana University
Bloomington, IN

MBA Recreation & Leisure Industry Management

National Taiwan Sport University

BBA Recreation & Leisure Industry Management

National Taiwan Sport University

2023 National Taiwan Sport University Distinguished Alumni Award

National Taiwan Sport University

2017 Honorary Membership in Rho Phi Lambda


Conference Proceeding

Chang, Y. The effect of service-learning outdoor expedition on adolescents’ civic responsibility and sense of community. Proceedings of the 2020 Symposium on Experiential Education Research at the 48th Annual International Association for Experiential Education (AEE) Conference (2020): 25-27.
Woo, M., Chang, Y., & Jang, I. The relationship between sense of community and job satisfaction among employees in a campus recreation center. Book of Abstracts of The Academy of Leisure Sciences (TALS) 2020 Conference (2020): 186-187.
Chang, Y. Final Expedition: How Autonomous Student Experiences Contribute to Positive Youth Development. Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals (2019)
Chang, Y. Engaging in Autonomous Outdoor Learning: Final Expedition and Youth Autonomy. 2018 NRPA Annual Conference (2018): 28-31.
Chang, Y. The Effect of Autonomous Student Experiences on Positive Youth Development. 2018 Symposium on Experiential Education Research (2018): 20-22.

Journal Article

Woo, M., Jang, I., & Chang, Y. The relationship between sense of community and job satisfaction among employees in campus recreation center. Recreational Sports Journal/Sage 46.1 (2022): 95-104.
Chang, Y. Engaging in autonomous learning in the outdoors: Final expedition and youth autonomy. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education 24 (2021): 191-214.
Chang, Y., Ewert, A., Kamendulis, L. M., & Hocevar, B. A. (2019). Measuring Biophysical and Psychological Stress Levels Following Visitation to Three Locations with Differing Levels of Nature. Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, (148).
Chang, Y., Davidson, C., Conklin, S., & Ewert, A. The Impact of Short Term Adventure-Based Outdoor Programs on College Students Stress Reduction. Dr. Barbara Humberstone (EDs). Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning/Taylor & Francis Group (2018)
Ewert, A., & Chang, Y. Levels of Nature and Stress Response. Behavioral Sciences 8.5 (2018): 1.


The Interpretation of Experiential Education in USA as a Female Educator. 2022 Outdoor Adventure International Conference (Online). National Taiwan Normal University. (2022)
Online Teaching and Learning amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2021 International E-Conference of Sport, Leisure, and Hospitality Management. National Taiwan Normal University. (2021)
Incorporating transformational goals into teaching methodologies. 2020 ISU Teaching and Learning Symposium. Illinois State University. (2020)
The effect of service-learning outdoor expedition on adolescents’ civic responsibility and sense of community. 2020 Symposium on Experiential Education Research (SEER) at the 48th Annual International Association for Experiential Education (AEE) Virtual Conference. (2020)
The relationship between sense of community and job satisfaction among employees in a campus recreation center. 2020 The Academy of Leisure Sciences (TALS) Conference. The Academy of Leisure Sciences. (2020)
Final Expedition: How Autonomous Student Experiences in Outdoor Programming Contribute to Positive Youth Development. 2019 National Outdoor Recreation Conference. Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals. (2019)
Engaging in Autonomous Outdoor Learning: Final Expedition and Youth Autonomy. 2018 National Recreation and Park Association. (2018)
Levels of Nature and Stress Response. 2018 Coalition for Education in the Outdoors 14th Biennial Research Symposium. (2018)
The Effect of Autonomous Student Experiences on Positive Youth Development. 2018 Symposium on Experiential Education Research at the 46th Annual International Association for Experiential Education (AEE) Conference. (2018)
Examining leisure using biomarker and inset perspectives: New directions for triangulated research. 2017 Academy of Leisure Sciences Research Institute Conference. (2017)

Grants & Contracts

Phebe Scott Endowment Fund 2024-2025. College of Applied Science and Technology. Illinois State University. (2024)
Travel Grant 2024-2025. Kinesiology and Recreation. Illinois State University. (2024)
Phebe Scott Endowment Fund 2023-2024. College of Applied Science and Technology. Illinois State University. (2023)
Travel Grant 2023-2024. Kinesiology and Recreation. Illinois State University. (2023)
Phebe Scott Endowment Fund 2022. College of Applied Science and Technology. Illinois State University. (2022)