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Sherri Hildebrand

Instructional Assistant Professor
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation
SFCM Student Fitness Center & McCormick Hall 167
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


I am a Midwesterner at heart. I was born and raised in the Illinois Quad Cities, moving briefly to eastern Iowa, and then back to Illinois to join the RPA faculty at ISU. I love dogs and currently have two rescues: Bonny, a pit bull and Gracie, a Great Pyrenees/Beagle mix. My favorite leisure activities are tennis, hiking, and recently, building things with wood.

Current Courses

298.003Internship I in Recreation & Sport Management

365.001Advanced Therapeutic Recreation Practices

270.001Inclusive Recreation & Sport

270.002Inclusive Recreation & Sport

273.001Introduction To Therapeutic Recreation

Teaching Interests & Areas

Therapeutic Recreation, Adapted Sports

Research Interests & Areas

Adapted Sports for people with physical disabilities

MS Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration

Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL

Exercise Science

University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

Physical Education

Drake University
Des Moines, IA

2021 Impact Award

University College

MVP Professor for Volleyball Student Athletes

ISU Athletics

Book, Authored

Smith, R., & Hildebrand, S. Case Studies in Therapeutic Recreation, second edition. Sagamore Venture (2024)

Textbook, New

Hildebrand, S., & Smith, R. Case Studies in Therapeutic Recreation. Sagamore/Venture Publishing (2017): 128.


Practing Evidence-Based Practice. Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation. Northwest Missouri State University. (2021)
Developing Professional Competence in Recreation Therapy: the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Illinois Recreation Therapy Association. (2019)
There's an App for That. Midwest Therapeutic Recreation Symposium. (2018)
Making it Meaningful. Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation. (2017)
Speed Networking. Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation. University of Missouri Extension. (2016)
Bicycle Adaptations and Safety. Iowa Bicycle Summit and Expo. Iowa Bicycle Coalition. (2012)
Paralympic Sport Clubs: Innovation in Community Reintegration. Iowa Therapeutic Recreation Association Conferencre. University of Northern Iowa. (2012)
Physical Education: Roll out the Ball or Fun for All?. Grant Wood AEA Professional Development Workshop. Grant Wood AEA. (2011)
Sitting Volleyball. Iowa Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (IAHPERD) Conference. IAHPERD. (2011)
BlazeSports: Sports for Individuals with Physical Disabilities. Iowa Park and Recreation Annual Confernece. Iowa Park and Recreation Association. (2009)

Grants & Contracts

CAST DEBI Grant. College of Applied Science and Technology. Illinois State University. (2022)
Adaptapalooza: Promoting DEBI Through Adapted Sports and Virtual Reality (VR). College of Applied Science and Technology. Illinois State University. (2021)