Dr. Rachel Smith
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation

SFCM Student Fitness Center & Mccormick Hall 250e
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
398.046Internship II in Recreation & Sport Management
400.046Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
398.046Internship II in Recreation & Sport Management
398.003Internship II Preparation Seminar in Recreation and Sport Management
175.002Leisure's Role On Individuals And Society
175.004Leisure's Role On Individuals And Society
278.001Therapeutic Recreation Service Delivery
351.001Tourism And Special Events
Teaching Interests & Areas
Recreation Therapy, recreation administration, tourism
cruise tourism.
Research Interests & Areas
Universal design, social justice and disability, higher education and disability inclusion. Non-tenure Track Faculty perceptions, study abroad.
EDD Teaching and Learning
Illinois State University
Normal, IL
MS Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration
Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL
BS Psychology
Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL
KNR Faculty and Staff Award
School of Kinesiology & Recreation
RISE to the COVID Challenge Recognition
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dissertation Completion Grant
ISU Graduate School
ILRTA Innovators award
Illinois Therapeutic Recreation Association
Rho Phi Lambda, Honorary Member
Rho Phi Lambda
Book, Authored
Smith, R., & Hildebrand, S. Case Studies in Therapeutic Recreation, second edition. Sagamore Venture (2024)
Book, Chapter
Smith, R., & Doh, M. Study aboard: Success of a short-term study abroad aboard a cruise ship. Education Abroad. Information Age Publishing (2021)
Smith, R., & Buchannan, T. Collaborations for Usable Design: A Case Study in Partnerships to Promote Universal Design in Higher Education. Sheryl Burgstahler (EDs). Harvard Education Press (2015): 337-348.
Journal Article
Hinton, J., Smith, R., Allsop, J., & Lozzano, D. Quality Internship Development and Supervision: Raising the Bar in Therapeutic Recreation Internships. Therapeutic Recreation Journal (2023)
Smith, R., & Buchanan, T. A practice brief: Community collaboration, use of universal design in the classroom.. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability (2012)
Smith, R., & , M. Using Adaptive Scuba for Disability Awareness: A Practice Brief.. Palestra 28.1 (2004)
Smith, R., Oba, E., Bell, S., & Hubsch, R. Quality Internship Supervision, What is it and why should I care?. American Therapeutic Recreation Association 39.1 (2023): 4-6.
Hinton, J., Wilson, P., Smith, R., & Bell, S. Quality internships: Providing structure and excellence in internship supervision.. American Therapeutic Recreation Association Newsletter (2021)
Textbook, New
Hildebrand, S., & Smith, R. Case Studies in Therapeutic Recreation. Sagamore/Venture Publishing (2017): 128.
Helping NTT Faculty Thrive at Illinois State. 2024 Teaching & Learning Symposium, Thriving at Illinois State University. ISU Center for Integrated Professional Development. (2024)
Emotional Freedom Technique- Tapping Will it Work for You?. Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation. Northwest Missouri State. (2022)
Keys to Quality Internships in Recreational Therapy. Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation. Northwest Missouri State. (2022)
Quality Internship Supervisor Training. American Therapeutic Recreation Symposium. American Therapeutic Recreation Association. (2022)
Quality Internships A Statement Review and Internship Manual Develoipment for Professionals. American Therapeutic Recreation Symposium. American Thereapeutic Recreation Association. (2022)
Practing Evidence-Based Practice. Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation. Northwest Missouri State University. (2021)
Quality Internships. ATRA. ATRA. (2021)
Study Tips for The NCTRC Exam. Midwest TR Symposium. (2021)
The TR Internship Experience: Bridging the Gap. Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation. Northwest Missiouri State. (2021)
Calling All Students! Creating Opportunities for Involvement in ILRTA. Illinois Recreation Therapy Association. (2019)
Grants & Contracts
SoTL University Research Grant. SoTL. Illinois State University. (2020)