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Dr. Peter Smith

Program Director-Exercise Science
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation
SFCM Student Fitness Center & Mccormick Hall 227m
  • About
  • Education
  • Research

Current Courses

257.001Motor Learning And Performance

295.001Honors Seminar

299.001Independent Honor Study

400.015Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation

257.001Motor Learning And Performance

257.002Motor Learning And Performance

445.003Statistics in Applied Science and Technology


University of Houston
Houston, Texas


University of Wales
Wales, Bangor


University of Wales
Wales, Bangor


Smith, P., & Becker, K. An investigation of age, task complexity, and gender as potential moderators of attentional focus effects. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 44.5 (2012): S176.
Amorose, A., Richardson, J., Cox, A., & Smith, P. Exploring the relationship between dimensions of psychological need satisfaction and intrinsic motivation in athletes. Medicine and Science on Sports and Exercise (2009): S532.
Smith, P., & Wojenwnik, K. The effect of focus of attention and age on children’s learning of two motor skills differing in complexity. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (2009): S99.

Conference Proceeding

Becker, K., & Smith, P. The influence of altering the locus of an internal focus on standing long jump performance. 2012 Association for Applied Sports Psychology Conference (2012)

Journal Article

Smith, P., Losara, L., Jagodinsky, A., & Torry, M. Effects of Attentional Focus Cues on Lower Extremity Kinematics during Inside of the Foot Soccer Trap among Expert Soccer Players. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching (2021)
Wagman, J., & Smith, P. Perception of Affordances for Stepping Over an Expanse With Crutches. Perception 47.10-11 (2018): 1106-1109.
Wagman, J., Bai, J., & Smith, P. Nesting in perception of affordances for stepping and leaping. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics 78 (2016): 1771-1780.
Becker, K., & Smith, P. ATTENTIONAL FOCUS EFFECTS IN STANDING LONG JUMP PERFORMANCE: INFLUENCE OF A BROAD AND NARROW INTERNAL FOCUS. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 29.7 (2015): 1780-1783.
Day, B., Wagman, J., & Smith, P. Perception of maximum stepping and leaping distance: Stepping affordances as a special case of leaping affordances. Acta Psychologica 158 (2015): 26-35.


Smith, P., & Becker, K. An investigation of age, task complexity, and gender as potential moderators of attentional focus effects. Perceptual Motor Skills (2013)


BODY COMPOSITION CHANGES IN MEN AND WOMEN OVER 12 MONTHS OF TRAINING. ISU Research Symposium. Illinois State University. (2020)
Perception of Maximum Crutching Distance. Psychonomic Society Annual Convention. (2017)
Connecting the Dots in Perception of Affordances for Stepping. International Conference on Perception and Action. International Society for Perception and Action. (2015)
A comparison of internal and external attentional foci with a distraction condition in learning balance and locomotion tasks.. Annual Convention of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. (2014)
Perception of Maximum Stepping and Leaping Distances. International Society for Ecological Psychology, North America. International Society for Ecological Psychology. (2014)
A comparison of internal and external attentional foci with a distraction task as methods of improving balance performance. NASPSPA. NASPSPA. (2013)
An Investigation of Age, Task Complexity, And Gender As Potential Moderators Of Attentional Focus Effects. American College of Sports Medicine. (2012)
The influence of altering the locus of an internal focus on standing long jump performance. Applied Sports Psychology Conference. (2012)