Dr. Noelle Selkow
School Director and Professor
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation

SFCM Student Fitness Center & Mccormick Hall 253
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Dr. Noelle Selkow is a professor in athletic training. She received her PhD and Master's degrees from the University of Virginia and BS degree from Mount Union College
Current Courses
287.001Independent Study
260.001Athletic Injury Concepts For Coaches
499.002Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
400.001Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
400.002Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
400.102Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
Teaching Interests & Areas
Anatomy, injury biomechanics, injury assessment, manual therapy
Research Interests & Areas
Cryotherapy, blood flow, manual therapy, diagnostic ultrasound
Ph D Sports Medicine
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Other Athletic Training
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
BS Athletic Training and Exercise Science
Mount Union College
Alliance, OH
Post-Professional Advanced Clinical Track Student
NATA Research and Education Foundation
3 Minute Thesis University Winner: Stephanie Stephens
Jorndt Student-Faculty Research Award
University Service Initiative Award
Illinois State University
3 Minute Thesis KNR runner-up: Gretchen Paulson
3 Minute Thesis KNR winner: Maddie Biehl
Assessment Initiative Award
University Assessment Services
Fisher Thesis CAST winner
Dr. L. Marlene Mawson Graduate Research Potential Award to Jessica Wooldridge
Larry R Miller Scholarship to Nick Burke
Biehl, M., Selkow, N., & Begalle, R. The Therapeutic Effects of Dry Cupping on Iliotibial Band Tightness. Journal of Athletic Training 53.6 (2018): S180-181.
Lockhart, J., Begalle, R., & Selkow, N. Comparison of Clinician Assisted versus Unassisted PNF Stretching on Hamstring Flexibility, Isometric Force Output, and Maximum Vertical Jump Height. Journal of Athletic Training 53.6 (2018): S331.
Paulson, G., Selkow, N., & Begalle, R. The Effects of a Shoulder Strengthening Program on Scapular Positioning in Collegiate Swimmers. Journal of Athletic Training 53.6 (2018): S42.
Sagadore, T., Selkow, N., & Begalle, R. The Effectiveness of a 4-Week Yoga Intervention on the Activation and Timing of Core Musculature, Pain, and Functional Disability. Journal of Athletic Training 53.6 (2018): S42.
Worthey, C., Bendotti, V., Dodd, D., Langosch, T., Smith, E., Schoenfeld, B., Selkow, N., & Laurson, K. Effects of two volume-equated resistance training protocols on muscle thickness and muscular strength. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 30.S2 (2016): S93.
Book, Chapter
Selkow, N. Athletic Training. Exploring Health Sciences. Kona Publishing and Media Group (2016)
Journal Article
Stephens, SL, Hoffman NL, Selkow, NM. (2020). Dry cupping therapy improves subcutaneous hemodynamics and pain associated with nonspecific neck pain. Journal of Athletic Training. 55(7), 682-690.
Laudner, K., Benjamin, P., & Selkow, N. The Effect of Ankle Positioning During Hamstring Stretches for Improving Straight Leg Hip Flexion Motion. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 26.2 (2016): 167-171.
Laudner, K., Wenig, M., Selkow, N., Williams, J., & Post, E. The Effect of Muscle Energy Technique on Forward Shoulder Posture in Collegiate Swimmers. Journal of Athletic Training 50.11 (2015): 1133-1139.
Laudner, K., Selkow, N., Burke, N., & Meister, K. Upper extremity blood flow changes in professional baseball pitchers between two consecutive seasons. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 24.7 (2015): 1069-1073.
Selkow, N., Herman, D., Liu, Z., Hertel, J., Hart, J., & Saliba, S. Blood Flow After Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage. Journal of Athletic Training 50.4 (2015): 400-406.
Magazine/Trade Publication
Selkow, N., & Saliba, S. Cryotherapy and muscle recovery after exercise. Lower Extremity review Magazine (2015)
Baczkowicz, D., Skiba, G., Falkowski, K., Domaszewsk, P., & Selkow, N. Effects of Immobilization and Re-Mobilization on Knee Joint Arthrokinematic Motion Quality. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9.451 (2020): 11.
Ołowiana, E., Selkow, N., Laudner, K., Puciato, D., & Bączkowicz, D. Vibroarthrographic analysis of patellofemoral joint arthrokinematics during squats with increasing external loads. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 12.51 (2020): 9.
Stephens, S., Selkow, N., & Hoffman, N. Dry Cupping Therapy for Improving Nonspecific Neck Pain and Subcutaneous Hemodynamics. Journal of Athletic Training 55.7 (2020): 682-690.
Williams, W., & Selkow, N. Self-Myofascial Release of the Superficial Back Line Improves Sit-and-Reach Distance. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 29.4 (2020): 400–404.
Selkow, N. Cooling of Lower Extremity Muscles According to Subcutaneous Tissue Thickness. Journal of Athletic Training 54.12 (2019): 1304–1307.
Impact as an Indicator of Faculty Success. American Kinesiology Association 2025 Workshop. American Kinesiology Association. (2025)
Application of Diagnostic Ultrasound to Track Tissue Repair. NATA Virtual 71st Clinical Symposia & AT Expo. (2020)
Dry Cupping Therapy Improves Subcutaneous Hemodynamics and Pain Associated with Nonspecific Neck Pain. NATA Virtual 71st Clinical Symposia & AT Expo. (2020)
Dry Cupping Therapy Improves Subcutaneous Hemodynamics and Pain Associated with Nonspecific Neck Pain. 2020 NATA Clinical Symposia & AT Expo. National Athletic Trainers' Association. (2020)
Impact of a Single Injury Prevention Instructional Session on the Incidence of Injury among U.S. Army ROTC Cadets. 5th International Congress on Soldiers' Physical Performance. (2020)
The Perception and Utilization of Student Aides in the Secondary School Athletic Training Setting. NATA Virtual 71st Clinical Symposia & AT Expo. (2020)
Manual therapy improves blood flow and muscle fiber orientation of the forearm extensors. Orlando AIUM. American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine. (2019)
Comparison of Clinician Assisted versus Unassisted PNF Stretching on Hamstring Flexibility, Isometric Force Output, and Maximum Vertical Jump Height. 69th NATA Clinical Symposia and AT Expo. NATA. (2018)
Cryotherapy and Heat Clinical Decision Making. International Summer School 2018 Opole University of Technology. Opole University of Technology. (2018)
The Association Between Parental Beliefs About Sport Specialization And Athlete Sport Specialization Classification. University Research Symposium. ISU. (2018)
Grants & Contracts
CAST PIP Award. CAST. Illinois State University. (2018)
Graduate Practicums in Athletic Training. Illinois State University. (2018)
The influence of local cooling and warming of the knee joint on qualitative aspects of arthrokinematics, analyzed by vibroarthrography. Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland). Other. (2018)
Graduate Practicums in Athletic Training. Illinois State University. (2017)
The effectiveness of a 4-week yoga intervention on the activation and timing of transverse abdominis and lumbar multifidus muscles, pain and functional disability among healthy and low back pain participants. GLATA. State. (2017)