Konkle, Torry, M., McDonald, S., Carter, C., & Lopes dos Santos, M. Determining the Best Predictor Variables for CMJ Performance in NCAA Division I Athletes. University Research Symposium. 451. (2024)
Lopes Dos Santos, M., Benton, R., Jagodinsky, A., Torry, M., & Kristin, L. The Effect of Load Based on Body Mass Percentage on Peak Power Output in the Power Clean, hang Pull and Mid-Thigh Clean 53.(8S) (2021)
Pigney, K., Torry, M., Salvadore, A., Jagodinsky, A., & Maeda, G. Loaded Hexbar Jump Landing Does Not Increase Frontal Plane Knee Angles and Torques 53.(8S) (2021)
Sagawa, H., Torry, M., & Jagodinsky, A. The Effect of Weighted Baseball Throwing on Glenohumeral Mechanics: A Modeling Approach.. BioMedical Engineering Society 54.1 (2021): 176.
Salvadore, A., Torry, M., Maeda, G., & Jagodinsky, A. Ankle Plantarflexor Muscle Forces During Loaded Vertical Jumps 53 (2021): (8S).
Book, Chapter
Torry, M., Cowley, J., Keeley, D., Kernozek, T., & Shelburne, K. Function of the normal hip. McCarthy, Villar, Noble (EDs), In Clinical Evaluation of the Hip: Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Hip. Springer Science+Business Media (2017)
Torry, M., Decker, M., steadman, R., & Shelburne, K. Chapter 10: Alpine Skiing Injuries & Rehabilitation. Shamus J and Shamus E (EDs), In Sports Injury, Prevention and Rehabilitation. McGraw Hill: 50.
Conference Proceeding
Torry, M., Konkel, J., Salvadore, A., & Wood, K. Comparison of Elbow Joint Forces and Torques between Youth and Elite Pitchers: A Statistical Parametric Mapping Approach. Annals Biomedoical Engineering 1.2024 (2024): 342.
Torry, M., Torry, M., Klyber, S., & Salvadore, A. Knee Kinematics in Male and Female Hexagonal Barbell Squat Jumps: A Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) Approach. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 1.2024 (2024): 451.
Morgan, J., Pollalis, S., Hileman, B., Maeda, A., Jagodinsky, A., & Torry, M. Hip, Knee and Ankle Joint Power in Three Weighted Squat Jump Techniques. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 49.5S (2017): 127.
Allen, k., Schils, s., Skeesick, J., & Torry, M. Rehabilitation case studies: the elite human and equine athlete (Session 1). no. Florida Association Equine Practitioners (2013): 45-55.
Allen, k., Schils, s., Skeesick, J., & Torry, M. Rehabilitation case studies: the elite human and equine athlete (Session 2). no. Florida Association Equine Practitioners (2013): 56-66.
Instructor's Manual
Allen, K., Schils, S., Skeesick, J., & Torry, M. Masterclass: Clinical Evaluation of the Equine Neck; Biomechanics of joint injury, prevention and treatment. no. Florida Association Equine Practitioners (2013): 35-45.
Journal Article
Kernozek, T., Torry, M., Shelburne, K., Durall, C., & Willson, J. From the Gait Laboratory to the Rehabilitation Clinic: Translation of Motion Analysis and Modeling Data to Interventions That Impact Anterior Cruciate Ligament Loads in Gait and Drop Landing. no. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Begell House 41.3 (2023): 243-58.
Salvadore, A., Jagodinsky, A., & Torry, M. Individual Muscle Force Differences During Loaded Hexbar Jumps: A Statistical Parametric Mapping Analysis. no. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Springer International Publishing 51.9 (2023): 1975-83.
LaSarah, L., Jagodinsky, A., Torry, M., & Smith, P. Effects of Attnetional Focus Cues on Lower Extremity Kinematics During Inside of the Foot Soccer Trap Among Expert Soccer Players. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 16.4 (2021): 957-967.
Cowley, J., McCaw, S., Laurson, K., & Torry, M. Children Who Are Overweight Display Altered Vertical Jump Kinematics and Kinetics From Children Who Are Not Overweight.. Pediatric exercise science 32.1 (2020): 2-8.
Torry, M., Kernozek, T., Gheidi, N., & Zellmer, M. Effects of anterior knee displacement during squatting on patellofemoral joint stress. no. Journal of sport rehabilitation 27.3 (2018): 237-243.
Lopes dos Santos, M., Berton, R., Jagodinsky, A., Torry, M., & Lagally, K. The effect of load based on body mass percentage on peak power output in the hang power clean, hang high pull, and mid-thigh clean pull. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (2022)
Millett, P., West, A., & Torry, M. The advantages of bracing after ACL reconstruction. no. Arthroscopy Association of North America December (2011)
Technical Report
Giphart, J., Torry, M., Shelburne, K., & others. Dual fluoroscopy systems and methods. Google Patents (2010)
Determining the Best Predictor Variables for CMJ Performance in NCAA Division I Athletes. University Research Symposium. Illinois State University. (2024)
Abstract Body (must not exceed 400 words) Copy and paste your abstract into this field.: INTRODUCTION: Weighted baseball throwing programs are often used to increase pitch velocity. However, increased injury risk has been reported and questions regarding possible mechanism of injury at the elbow exist. Analysis of elbow joint reaction force and moments during pitching of multiple ball weights may provide insight on injury potential. PURPOSE: To compare the effects of weighted baseballs on elbow joint kinetics during pitching. METHODS: 10 baseball pitchers (Age 13.3 ± 2.69 years) were analyzed in the study. Participants threw 5 pitches with 5oz, 7oz, and 9oz baseballs. Ball weight order were counterbalanced and 3 fastest pitches for strikes were analyzed. Full body, 3D segment position data were collected using a motion capture system (200 Hz). 3D marker trajectories were input into a Visual 3D model to estimate elbow joint moments and reaction forces. Varus elbow joint moment and joint reaction forces were compared with RMANOVA (α = .05) and Bonferroni post-hoc tests. RESULTS: Differences were noted between the ball weights on pitch velocity (5oz 16.7 ± 3.2 m/s, 7oz 15.99 ± 3.1 m/s, 9 oz 15.2 ± 2.7 m/s, p<0.017) and elbow extension velocity (5oz 3905.1± 434.6 dg/s, 7oz 3474.4 ± 419.7 dg/s, 9oz 3260.2 ± 428.7 dg/s, p<0.05). Throwing heavier balls resulted in a decreased compression force between the 5oz and 7oz, as well as 5oz and 9oz, but not between 7oz and 9oz (5oz 451.6 ± 172.1N, 7oz 391.6 ± 163.2N, 9oz 381.9 ± 174.2N, p˂ 0.017). The Varus moment decreased as ball weight increased and only exhibited significant differences between two of the conditions (5oz 29.1 ± 15.3 Nm, 9oz 25.1 ± 8.2 Nm, p<0.017). Lateral and Medial JRF differences were not significant. CONCLUSION: Increased ball weights caused a decrease in pitch and elbow extension velocity, as well as compressive JRF and varus moment at the elbow. The decrease in elbow joint moment and forces could be caused by the decrease in ball velocity. The results suggest that throwing weighted baseballs do not increase the risk of injury to the elbow in youth pitchers.. Biomedical Engineering Society. BMES. (2023)
EFFECTS OF BALL WEIGHT ON ELBOW JOINT KINETICS IN BASEBALL PITCHING. Illinois State University Research Symposium. Illinois State University Graduate School. (2023)
Rank Ordered Activation of the Abductor Hallucis Muscle For Commonly Utilized Rehabilitation and Strengthening Exercises. Biomedical Engineering Society. Biomedical Engineering Society. (2022)
Statistical Parametric Mapping for the Analysis of Muscle Forces: An Alternative to Peaks. Biomedical Engineering Society. Biomedical Engineering Society. (2022)
Evaluation of Muscle Forces During Loaded Vertical Jumps Using Statistical Parametric Mapping. BioMedical Engineeeing Society. BMES. (2021)
The Effect of Weighted Baseball Throwing on Glenohumeral Mechanics: A Modeling Approach.. BioMedical Engineering Society. BMES. (2021)
Age and Knee Confidence Effects on LESS and LESS-RMC Scores in Female Youth Soccer Players: 271: Board# 109. American College Sports Medicine. ACSM. (2019)
Knee Injury Risk Stratification With The Less-rmc: 256: Board# 94. Annual Meeting of American College Sports Medicine. ACSM. (2019)
Optimal Load Based on Body Mass: A Pilot Study with The Hang Power Clean. ACSM. ACSM. (2019)