Dr. Emily Jones
Physical Education Teacher Education Faculty
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation

SFCM Student Fitness Center & Mccormick Hall
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
400.031Independent Study
417.001Research On Teaching In Physical Education
499.031Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
400.031Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
Teaching Interests & Areas
Dr. Jones teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Physical Education Teacher Education.
Research Interests & Areas
Dr. Jones’ current lines of research include issues related to: (a) school- and community-based physical activity programs and initiatives and (b) integration of instructional technology in physical education teacher planning, delivery, assessment, and advocacy efforts. Dr. Jones has been a key team member on 17 grants or research contract proposals seeking over $4 million (14 as Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator).
Ph D Kinesiology
University of Georgia
Athens, GA
MA Physical Education Teaching
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA
BA Physical Education Teaching
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA
Outstanding Faculty
School of Kinesiology and Recreation
Interdisciplinary Civic Engagement Award
Center for Civic Engagement
Hall of Excellence Inductee
University of Northern Iowa
Mabel Lee Award
SHAPE America
Big XII Faculty Research Fellowship
West Virginia University
Grants-person of the Year
West Virginia University, College of Physical Activity & Sport Sciences
Excellence in Research Award
West Virginia University, College of Physical Activity & Sport Sciences
Excellence in Teaching Award
West Virginia University, College of Physical Activity & Sport Sciences
Scholar Award
Excellence in Research Award
West Virginia University, College of Physical Activity & Sport Sciences
Leinweber, S., Williams, S., Jones, E., & Henninger, M. PA and Skill Levels in Coed and Same-Sex PE during Invasion Games. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 91.Supplement 1 (2020): A-75.
Phifer, Brown, D., Laurson, K., Williams, S., Jones, E., Dennis, K., Smith, M., & Swenson, R. Incidental cardiac arrhythmia identification with consumer grade heart rate monitors: A case study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 52.7S (2020): 201.
Phifer, N., Brown, D., Marcum, S., Jones, E., Williams, S., & Phelps, D. Contribution Of In-school And Out-of-school Physical Activity Towards Meeting The Daily Recommendations.. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (2019)
Book, Chapter
Beddoes, Z., & Jones, E. Chapter 4: The syn-epistemic wholeness of physical education practice.. A. Dania & Farias, C. (EDs), Social Pedagogy in Physical Education: Human-centred Practice. Taylor and Francis (2024)
Pierce, S., Jones, E., & Eberline, A. Chapter 4: Physical Education and Sport, the natural setting for values and life skills.. K. T Koh, T.J. Newman, M.S. Bin Salleh (EDs), Coaching Values and Life Skills through Physical Education and Sports: A Practical Toolkit. Routledge (2024)
Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., & Kristjansson, A. Conducting a systematic needs assessment for CSPAP success. R. Carson & C. Webster (EDs), Comprehensive school physical activity programs: Putting research into evidence-based practice (2019): 231-246.
Bulger, S., Jones, E., & Elliott, E. Chapter 41: Physical activity policy and practice around the world: The United States of America. J. Piggins, L. Mansfield, & M. Weed (EDs), Routledge handbook of physical activity policy and practice. Routledge (2017)
Elliott, E., Jones, E., Nichols, D., Murray, T., & Kohl, H. State-based efforts for physical activity planning: Experiences from Texas and West Virginia.. R.R. Pate & D.M. Buchner (EDs), Implementing Physical Activity Strategies. Human Kinetics (2014): 249-258.
Book, Edited
Jones, E., Lawson, H., & Richards , K. Workforce Development in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. Routledge
Conference Proceeding
Eberline, A., Jones, E., & Knipe, R. Beyond Bricks and Mortar: A Qualitative Examination of the Factors Influencing Diffusion of an Innovative PETE Graduate Program. AIESEP World Congress 2018 (2018)
Jones, E., & Lux, K. Deliberate reflection: Effects of pre-service teacher post-lesson reflection on teaching behaviors.. Current Issues in Contemporary Comparative Physical Education and Sport (2013): 87-96.
Creative Works/Broadcast Media
Jones, E., McMullen, J., & Killian, C. January 2022 PETE Collaborative (2022)
Jones, E., & Hauge, V. SEL, Movement and Mindfulness in the Classroom. Playing with Research in Health and Physical Education - Podcast 251 (2022)
Killian, C., Jones, E., Krause, J., & Richards, K. Developing Future Faculty to Ensure a Favorable Future for PETE (2022)
Richards, K., & Jones, E. Going behind the research w/Dr. Emily Jones. Playing with Research in Health and Physical Education- Podcast 234 (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, E., Blockman, L., & Bubulka, C. A collective active formation to address mental, emotional, and behavioral health in schools: The District 87 Wellness Collaborative. E.M. Jones, K.A. Richards, & Z. Beddoes (EDs). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 95.5 (2024): 12-20.
Richards, K., Dauenhauer, B., Gaudreault, K., Jones, E., McMullen, J., Shiver, V., Wilson, W., & Wright, P. Intra-Institutional Collaborations to Promote Research and Scholarship: Examples from the Field. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education (2024): 1-17.
Richards, K., Jones, E., & Beddoes, Z. Leadership, Collaboration and Mobilization on Mission: Lessons Learned Across the Feature. JOPERD 95.5 (2024): 47-51.
Jones, E., Weemer, M., Lee, J., Eberline, A., & Kybartas , T. Environmental constructs associated with school readiness to implement wellness initiatives. Health Behavior and Policy Review 9.4 (2022): 949-960.
Jones, E., Lawson, H., & Richards, K. Operationalizing a physical education workforce research and development agenda. Quest (2022)
Magazine/Trade Publication
Jones, E., Schwamberger, B., Sanchez-Martinez, L., Ramsey, V., & Goh, T. Mirrors and Windows: Unlocking Collective Impact for Children's Health. Momentum Magazine, SHAPE America May (2023)
Beddoes, Z., & Jones, E. Enhancing Collective Action in Physical Education Teacher Education: A Three-Pathways Approach. Quest 74.3 (2022): 251-265.
Jones, E., & Eberline, A. Duality of connection and division across schools and communities: An aerial perspective. Jouranl of Physical Education, Recreation, and DAnce 92.6 (2021): 3-4.
Benes, S., McMullen, J., Seymour, C., Jones, E., Cardinal, C., Ramsey, V., & Centeio, E. What the HETE/PETE?. JOPERD 94.6: 3-5.
Technical Report
Elliott, E., Erwin, H., & Jones, E. Physical Activity Priorities and Recommendations for Elementary-age Children. Position Paper, National Physical Activity Alliance Policy Recommendations (2021)
Creating a Mentorship Program at the State Affiliate Level. SHAPE America. (2025)
Impact as an Indicator of Faculty Success. American Kinesiology Association 2025 Workshop. American Kinesiology Association. (2025)
PETE/HETE Partnerships: Working together to address recruitment and retention. SHAPE America. (2025)
Building Cross & Interdisciplinary Partnerships for Collective Impact: Employing Needs and Strength-based Approaches. Invited Scholar Lecutre. University of Wyoming. (2024)
Creating a Mentorship Program at the State Affiliate Level. IAHPERD. (2024)
Educator Wellbeing and Turnover Intentions. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2024)
Empowering Faculty for Online Education: An Overview of Instructional Design Support. Teaching and Learning Symposium. Center for Integrated Professional Development. (2024)
Methods of Teaching Physical Education. Invited Scholar Lecture. University of Wyoming. (2024)
Navigating Change: Implementation of Teaching Personal and Social in Physical Education. AIESEP International Conferece. (2024)
Pioneering Online Program Development: Insights from Faculty Leaders. Teaching and Learning Symposium. Illinois State University. (2024)
Grants & Contracts
Enhancing the Access to and Accessibility of Wellness Services and Programs for District 87 Schools. College of Applied Science and Technology. Illinois State University. (2022)
Diversifying the PE Teacher Education Pipeline: Exploring the Lived Experience of Students of Color in Physical Education Teacher Education. Illinois Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance. State. (2021)
Targeting the Usual Suspects: A Process-Oriented Approach to Developing Strategic and Targeted Recruitment Efforts in an Undergraduate PETE Program Using Student Journey Mapping and Student Persona Methodology. College of Applied Science and Technology - University Research Grant FY 2019. Illinois State University. (2018)
Exploring Appalachian Guardians’ Opt-In and Out Decisions of Children’s School-based Health Screening. SHAPE America. Other. (2016)
Mylan Park Elementary Physical Education Program. Monongalia County Board of Education, Morgantown, West Virginia. Local. (2015)