Leinweber, S., Williams, S., Jones, E., & Henninger, M. PA and Skill Levels in Coed and Same-Sex PE during Invasion Games. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 91.Supplement 1 (2020): A-75.
Phifer, Brown, D., Laurson, K., Williams, S., Jones, E., Dennis, K., Smith, M., & Swenson, R. Incidental cardiac arrhythmia identification with consumer grade heart rate monitors: A case study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 52.7S (2020): 201.
Phifer, N., Brown, D., Marcum, S., Jones, E., Williams, S., & Phelps, D. Contribution Of In-school And Out-of-school Physical Activity Towards Meeting The Daily Recommendations.. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (2019)
Book, Chapter
Beddoes, Z., & Jones, E. Chapter 4: The syn-epistemic wholeness of physical education practice.. A. Dania & Farias, C. (EDs), Social Pedagogy in Physical Education: Human-centred Practice. Taylor and Francis (2024)
Pierce, S., Jones, E., & Eberline, A. Chapter 4: Physical Education and Sport, the natural setting for values and life skills.. K. T Koh, T.J. Newman, M.S. Bin Salleh (EDs), Coaching Values and Life Skills through Physical Education and Sports: A Practical Toolkit. Routledge (2024)
Elliott, E., Bulger, S., Jones, E., & Kristjansson, A. Conducting a systematic needs assessment for CSPAP success. R. Carson & C. Webster (EDs), Comprehensive school physical activity programs: Putting research into evidence-based practice (2019): 231-246.
Bulger, S., Jones, E., & Elliott, E. Chapter 41: Physical activity policy and practice around the world: The United States of America. J. Piggins, L. Mansfield, & M. Weed (EDs), Routledge handbook of physical activity policy and practice. Routledge (2017)
Elliott, E., Jones, E., Nichols, D., Murray, T., & Kohl, H. State-based efforts for physical activity planning: Experiences from Texas and West Virginia.. R.R. Pate & D.M. Buchner (EDs), Implementing Physical Activity Strategies. Human Kinetics (2014): 249-258.
Conference Proceeding
Eberline, A., Jones, E., & Knipe, R. Beyond Bricks and Mortar: A Qualitative Examination of the Factors Influencing Diffusion of an Innovative PETE Graduate Program. AIESEP World Congress 2018 (2018)
Jones, E., & Lux, K. Deliberate reflection: Effects of pre-service teacher post-lesson reflection on teaching behaviors.. Current Issues in Contemporary Comparative Physical Education and Sport (2013): 87-96.
Creative Works/Broadcast Media
Jones, E., McMullen, J., & Killian, C. January 2022 PETE Collaborative (2022)
Jones, E., & Hauge, V. SEL, Movement and Mindfulness in the Classroom. Playing with Research in Health and Physical Education - Podcast 251 (2022)
Killian, C., Jones, E., Krause, J., & Richards, K. Developing Future Faculty to Ensure a Favorable Future for PETE (2022)
Richards, K., & Jones, E. Going behind the research w/Dr. Emily Jones. Playing with Research in Health and Physical Education- Podcast 234 (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, E., Blockman, L., & Bubulka, C. A collective active formation to address mental, emotional, and behavioral health in schools: The District 87 Wellness Collaborative. E.M. Jones, K.A. Richards, & Z. Beddoes (EDs). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 95.5 (2024): 12-20.
Richards, K., Dauenhauer, B., Gaudreault, K., Jones, E., McMullen, J., Shiver, V., Wilson, W., & Wright, P. Intra-Institutional Collaborations to Promote Research and Scholarship: Examples from the Field. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education (2024): 1-17.
Richards, K., Jones, E., & Beddoes, Z. Leadership, Collaboration and Mobilization on Mission: Lessons Learned Across the Feature. JOPERD 95.5 (2024): 47-51.
Jones, E., Weemer, M., Lee, J., Eberline, A., & Kybartas , T. Environmental constructs associated with school readiness to implement wellness initiatives. Health Behavior and Policy Review 9.4 (2022): 949-960.
Jones, E., Lawson, H., & Richards, K. Operationalizing a physical education workforce research and development agenda. Quest (2022)
Magazine/Trade Publication
Jones, E., Schwamberger, B., Sanchez-Martinez, L., Ramsey, V., & Goh, T. Mirrors and Windows: Unlocking Collective Impact for Children's Health. Momentum Magazine, SHAPE America May (2023)
Beddoes, Z., & Jones, E. Enhancing Collective Action in Physical Education Teacher Education: A Three-Pathways Approach. Quest 74.3 (2022): 251-265.
Jones, E., & Eberline, A. Duality of connection and division across schools and communities: An aerial perspective. Jouranl of Physical Education, Recreation, and DAnce 92.6 (2021): 3-4.
Benes, S., McMullen, J., Seymour, C., Jones, E., Cardinal, C., Ramsey, V., & Centeio, E. What the HETE/PETE?. JOPERD 94.6: 3-5.
Technical Report
Elliott, E., Erwin, H., & Jones, E. Physical Activity Priorities and Recommendations for Elementary-age Children. Position Paper, National Physical Activity Alliance Policy Recommendations (2021)