Christian Carter
Instructional Assistant Professor
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation

SFCM Student Fitness Center & Mccormick Hall 253
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Research
Current Courses
207.001Foundations For Successful Coaching
182.001Human Anatomy And Physiology II
182.002Human Anatomy And Physiology II
164.002Introduction To Exercise Science
BS Dietetics
Illinois State University
MS Exercise Physiology
Illinois State University
BS Exercise Science
Illinois State University
Konkle, Torry, M., McDonald, S., Carter, C., & Lopes dos Santos, M. Determining the Best Predictor Variables for CMJ Performance in NCAA Division I Athletes. University Research Symposium. 451. (2024)
Determining the Best Predictor Variables for CMJ Performance in NCAA Division I Athletes. University Research Symposium. Illinois State University. (2024)