Dr. Brent Beggs
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation

SFCM Student Fitness Center & Mccormick Hall 173
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- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Dr. Beggs has been with the School of Kinesiology and Recreation since 2002. He served as the School Director from 2020-2024 and was the Program Director for Recreation and Park Administration from 2010-2019. Dr. Beggs also served stints as Interim Chair for both the Department of Criminal Justice Sciences and Department of Agriculture.
Current Courses
175.001Leisure's Role On Individuals And Society
380.001Human Resources in Recreation & Sport Management
499.001Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
400.001Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
400.040Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
175.005Leisure's Role On Individuals And Society
275.001Planning And Design Of Recreational Facilities
473.001Trends And Issues In Leisure Service
Ph D Leisure Behavior
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
MS Recreation Administration
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL
BS Recreation
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL
Outstanding Service Award
College of Applied Science and Technology
Publication Incentive Program
Publication Incentive Program
Publication Incentive Program
Publication Incentive Program
McEvoy, C., Popp, N., & Beggs, B. NCAA Division I conference sponsorship recognition rates: A comparison between spectators attending games at institution sites and a conference men’s basketball tournament. Sport Marketing Association Conference (2010)
Elkins, D., & Beggs, B. Examination of leisure satisfaction of participants and nonparticipants in campus recreational sports. Leisure Research Symposium Abstracts (2006)
Elkins, D., & Beggs, B. Perceived level of constraint: A comparison of negotiation strategies in campus recreational sports. Leisure Research Symposium Abstracts (2005)
Book, Authored
Beggs, B., Mull, R., Renneisen, M., & Mulvaney, M. Recreation Facility Management. Human Kinetics (2023)
Book, Chapter
Beggs, B., & Mulvaney, M. Leisure Economics. Dimensions of Leisure for Life, 2nd Edition. Human Kinetics (2021)
Instructor's Manual
Hurd, A., Anderson, D., Beggs, B., & Garrahy, D. Park and recreation professionals handbook (2011)
Elkins, D., & Beggs, B. Leisure Program Planning and Delivery: Instructor's Guide. Leisure Program Planning and Delivery. Human Kinetics (2007)
Journal Article
Lower, L., Forrester, S., Beggs, B., & Elkins, D. Optimizing student learning outcomes of collegiate recreational sports participation. Journal of Campus Activities, Practice, and Scholarship (2020)
Beggs, B., Butts, O., Hurd, A., & Elkins, D. Differences in employee perceptions of entry level competencies of NIRSA campus recreation professionals. Recreational Sports Journal 42.1 (2018)
Lower, L., Forrester, S., Elkins, D., & Beggs, B. Optimizing health and wellness outcomes of collegiate recreational sports participation. International Journal of Sport Management (2018)
Mulvaney, M., Beggs, B., Elkins, D., & Hurd, A. Professional Certification and Job Self-Efficacy of Public Park and Recreation Professionals. Journal of Park and Receation Administration 33.1 (2015): 93-111.
Beggs, B., Kleparski, T., Elkins, D., & Hurd, A. Leisure motivation of older adults in relation to other adult life stages. Activities, Adaptation & Aging 38.3 (2014): 175-187.
Black, H., Beggs, J., & Beggs, B. NCAA student-athletes: An exploratory study into mental health concerns. Marketing Management Association (2020)
Wellbeing: One university's approach to infusion through intentional collaboration. National Intramural Recreational Sports Association Annual Conference. (2021)
The perceived importance of recreation, sports, and healthy lifestyles. National Intramural Recreational Sports Association Annual Conference. (2020)
The Bachelor's Degree and Beyond: Is Graduate School for me?. John Allen Symposium. Southern Illinois University. (2019)
Assessing Motivation and Attitudes Towards Campus Recreation Participation. National Intramural Recreational Sports Association Annual Conference. (2018)
Optimizing Student Outcomes of Collegiate Recreational Sports Participation. National Intramural Recreational Sports Association Annual Conference. (2018)
The Bachelor's Degree and Beyond: Is Graduate School for me?. John Allen Symposium. Southern Illinois University. (2018)
Assessments & Evaluation. Central Illinois Council for Leisure Experiences. CIRCLE & IPRA. (2017)
Motivation and Constraints of Participants and Nonparticipants in Intramural Sports Activities: The Impact of a New Facility. National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association. (2017)
The Bachelor's Degree and Beyond: Is Graduate School for me?. John Allen Symposium. Southern Illinois University. (2017)
The Impact of a Lifeguard Olympics Staff Development Program in Campus Recreation. University Research Symposium. Illinois State University. (2017)
Grants & Contracts
2018-2019 Assessment Initiative Award. University Assessment Services. Illinois State University. (2018)
Presentation Travel Grant. CAST. Illinois State University. (2014)
2013-2014 Assessment Initiative Award. University Assessment Services. Illinois State University. (2013)
Presentation Travel Grant. CAST. Illinois State University. (2013)
Missouri Valley Conference Sponsorship Recognition and Recall Study. Missouri Valley Conference. Private.